Welcome to the website of Kayseri Surp Kirkor Lusavoric Armenian Church Foundation.
In the present, seven churches in Anatolia belong to the Armenian community. The oldest and the most important one of those is Surp Kirkor Lusavoric Church in Kayseri. People from many different profiles such as tourists, visitors, state authorities and tourism-related businesspeople are in the will of learning about the history of this church. First laid the foundation in 1191 Surp Lusavoric church is a rare one of those that still stand in the present.On this website, you will have a chance to find information about our church, photos from Kayseri, the history of the city along with its founder and Kayseri Armenians, who became famous in different fields.
We would also like you to share your memories, photos and information about Surp Kirkor Lusavoric Church.

Kayseri Gezi1.06.201125 Haziran 2011 Surp Krikor Lusavoric Gununde ve 26 Haziran 2011 Pazar Gunu , Kayseri Surp Krikor Lusavoric Kilisesine İnanc Ziyareti duzenlenecek ve Surp Badarak Yapilacaktir.
Kayseri Gezi1.06.2011Katılmak isteyenler tur bilgileri için Nokta Turizm 0 (212) 247 36 00 - 296 40 81/82
Kayseri Gezi1.06.201125 Haziran 2011 Surp Krikor Lusavoric Gununde ve 26 Haziran 2011 Pazar Gunu , Kayseri Surp Krikor Lusavoric Kilisesine İnanc Ziyareti duzenlenecek ve Surp Badarak Yapilacaktir.
29.05.2011Bu kilisede vaftiz oldum.
Faith Visitations to Our Church

His imprisonment in the well on April 23th.
His redemption from the well on June 27th.
Discovery of his holly bones on July 9th.
As carried out every year, there will be two faith visitations to Surp Lusavoric Church on April 23th and June 27th in the year 2020.